Blockchain Development
Smart Contract Development
Integration with Blockchain
Analytics / Reports
Blockchain Consulting
Blockchain Architecture
Developer Training
Security Consulting
Strategic Planning
Token Development
Token Contract
Crowdsale Contract
Security Audit
Contract Deployment
Ibis Systems is an innovative and reliable outsourcing software development company that offers development of blockchain apps and Smart Contracts using Ethereum platform. Currently, we are investing many efforts in the future technologies such as blockchain. Our in-house expertise is helping to realize full power of this revolutionary new technology as well as our highly skilled team will help to implement any idea from your sketch.
What is Blockchain?
In simple terms, the blockchain is an innovative distributed ledger, which stores data and verifies its integrity. By using different set of cryptography-based technologies, Blockchain ensures that transaction added into the blockchain database is immutable.
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is the first and most popular application, where the underlying Blockchain technology manages the currency transactions. However, it is not limited to only currency, but extends to any domain or industry, where anything of value is transacted, be it contracts, personal data or anything else.
What is Ethereum?
Ethereum is an evolutionary successor of Bitcoin. Both of these technologies: Bitcoin and Ethereum are based on Blockchain, which has an ability to build internally secure global peer-to-peer networks for storing account balance information based on common consensus.
Ethereum takes advantage of Blockchain even more and brings the whole idea to the next level. Apart from having its own cryptocurrency, called ether, there is one significant difference. While Bitcoin lets users easily and reliably transfer digital currency, Ethereum also adds a possibility to execute their own code in the distributed network.
It can be simply described as a single global supercomputer or the one big cloud-computing platform, which is run and maintained by its users and therefore completely decentralized and independent of any third party companies.
Reviewed by Blogger
November 09, 2018

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